
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2016

Dadaist, DNA Mutation and Recombination Poems

Dadaist, DNA Mutation and Recombination Poems is a workshop I created for the symposium What if…Why not…?: Creative Risk taking in Art, Design and Performance , part of the UAL Teaching Platform Series that took place last Monday. The event was about exploring contemporary issues in art and design education. The workshop, framed under the name: Rules of Random, had to include randomness, risks and uncertainty to take the participants out of their creative comfort zone. The participants had to sit around a table and use post-it notes, dice and pens as basic tools to start the workshop.          The objective of the workshop is to deconstruct words according to a set of rules that emulate DNA recombination and mutation processes and remind of the Dadaist poems characteristics.  Once the poem is finished, we revive the Cabaret Voltaire events in which Dadaist poems were read; we put the final result in a text speech s...

El talento joven oculto en Londres

El periódico Levante (Valencia) ha publicado hoy el siguiente artículo sobre mi práctica artística en arte y ciencia y mi proyecto en la Tate Gallery: El diari Levante ha publicat avuí aquesta notícia sobre la meua pràctica artística en art i ciencia i el meu projecte en la Tate Gallery: The Levante newspaper (Valencia, Spain) has published today the following article about my artistic practice in art and science and my project in the Tate Gallery:  El talento joven oculto en Londres La valenciana Neus Torres Tamarit forma parte de un programa de proyección de artistas de la Tate Gallery de Londres, donde colabora desde finales de 2015 - Desde que llegó a la capital inglesa no para de ampliar su currículum con nuevas exposiciones 21.03.2016 | 04:15 LAURA JULIÁN | VALENCIA Saca cinco minutos para coger el teléfono y decir, con voz cansada después de todo el día explicando su obra, que está contenta con el resultado de su exposición en la galerí...
DNA driven L-system Installation Detail Neus Torres Tamarit in collaboration with Ben Murray. The complete installation will be exhibited at the collective exhibition by  MA Art and Science, MA Fine Arts and MA Photography from Central Saint Martins, at The Laundry, 2-18 Warburton Road, London E8 3FN, Private view 17th of March at 18:00h The exhibition will be on until the 20th of March (Closest stations London Fields or Hackney Central)